
FreeBSD, Lisp, Emacs, PostgreSQL & co.

How this site is made

How this site is made

We are at the end of 2017, and blogging software is still a major topic of discussion among geeks. Well, not really, let's say I still find it interesting. Hmm… Actually, no, it's not even that; I guess I just wanted to brag a bit about my setup. Is there anything worth bragging about in my setup? I'm not even sure. Still, please keep reading!

My objective with this site was to keep things simple: I wanted an easy and comfortable way to write the posts, minimal fuss when putting them online and as little server-side software as possible.

Writing posts

I naturally use emacs to write the posts for this website. I actually use emacs for almost everything, as I said here before. I use org mode for that, and each post is a separate .org file. I only use a reduced set of properties, where I indicate the date the post was written, the author name, and the title. This means each post begins with the following preamble:

#+TITLE: How this site is made
#+AUTHOR: Nicolas Herry
#+DATE: 2017/11/10
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil

By default, org mode generates a table of contents, and although this might come in handy for some very long posts, it's generally useless to me here. The property OPTIONS: toc:nil disables this behaviour.

Since I didn't want to type all this at the beginning of each and every file, I looked for a simple solution to insert it dynamically for me. There are many completion frameworks, and I could have written my own set of functions to do that, but there is already something called yasnippet which does an impressive job as a templating system. yasnippet is already part of my normal setup; all I had to do was create a template for my posts. This turned out to be very simple:

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# name: beastieboy
# key: BBP
# condition: (string-prefix-p "/home/kafka/org" (buffer-file-name))
# --
#+TITLE: $1
#+AUTHOR: Nicolas Herry
#+DATE: `(format-time-string "%Y/%m/%d")`
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil

* $1


In the above, I give this snippet a name, beastieboy, as well as a key that I will be typing in the buffer to trigger the insertion of this template (BBP, which seemed a rare enough combination of letters that any conflict with a real acronym should be avoided). I also control the insertion with a condition: yasnippet will only insert the template if the elisp code in the condition returns non-nil. Here, since I use org mode for many things, I wanted to contrain this template only to the posts for this website. An easy way to do this is to check the path of the buffer being edited. If it contains the directory where the posts are stored, then the template can be expanded, otherwise, yasnippet will just do nothing. The drawback here is that I am not being very subtle, and I have the path hardcoded and not even stored as a variable or anything. I will do the right thing; for now, it's good enough.

The template continues with a separator, --, which indicates that all that comes after it is the actual meat of the template. We find the preamble I presented above, with some code to dynamically generate the date. We also find three odd markers: one $0 and two $1. The former indicates where the cursor should be put once the template has been inserted and filled, and the latter marks field the user must fill in. When the template is inserted, the cursor will first be positioned in the line #+TITLE: _, instead of the $1, and I will type in a title for the post. Since I have put more than one $1 marker, yasnippet will automatically update the other markers with the same number with my typing. This trick allows me to store the title as a property for org mode as well as a header, without having to type it twice. When I'm done filling this field, pressing TAB takes me to the next field, or, if there aren't any, to where the $0 is. I can then start typing the post.


I publish the site in two steps, and everything here is once again done with emacs. I have defined two sets of projects for org mode in my configuration:

(setq org-publish-project-alist
	 :base-directory "~/org/"
	 :publishing-directory "~/"
	 :publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html
	 :recursive t
	 :section-numbers nil
	 :with-toc nil
	 :base-extension "org"
	 :html-head ,beastieboy-header
	 :html-preamble ,beastieboy-preamble
	 :html-postamble ,beastieboy-footer)
	 :base-directory "~/org/"
	 :publishing-directory "~/"
	 :base-extension "png\\|jpg\\|gif"
	 :publishing-function org-publish-attachment
	 :recursive t)
	 :base-directory "~/org/"
	 :publishing-directory "~/"
	 :base-extension "js"
	 :publishing-function org-publish-attachment
	 :recursive t)
	 :base-directory "~/org/"
	 :publishing-directory "~/"
	 :base-extension "css"
	 :publishing-function org-publish-attachment
	 :recursive t)
	 :base-directory "~/org/"
	 :publishing-directory "/"
	 :publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html
	 :recursive t
	 :section-numbers nil
	 :with-toc nil
	 :base-extension "org"
	 :html-head ,beastieboy-header
	 :html-preamble ,beastieboy-preamble
	 :html-postamble ,beastieboy-footer)
	 :base-directory "~/org/"
	 :publishing-directory "/"
	 :base-extension "png\\|jpg\\|gif"
	 :publishing-function org-publish-attachment
	 :recursive t)
	 :base-directory "~/org/"
	 :publishing-directory "/"
	 :base-extension "js"
	 :publishing-function org-publish-attachment
	 :recursive t)
	 :base-directory "~/org/"
	 :publishing-directory "/"
	 :base-extension "css"
	 :publishing-function org-publish-attachment
	 :recursive t)
	("beastieboy" :components ("org" "org-images" "org-js" "org-css"))
	("beastieboy-remote" :components ("org-remote" "org-images-remote" "org-js-remote" "org-css-remote"))))

The first set comprises org, org-images, org-js and org-css. They all point to different locations in the tree where I store all my data for this website. The first one deals with the posts, the next three configure org mode to just copy the files verbatim to their destination. All this is then regrouped under the composite project beastieboy. I use this first set of projects as a kind of pre-production: I generate the site locally on my PC, and I check how it looks, proofread the post, and so on.

When I am happy with what I have, I trigger the publication of the second set of projects, those ending with -remote and grouped under beastieboy-remote. The configuration is identical, except for the fact that the destination folder is an ssh path to my server. org mode is then kind enough to call tramp, the emacs mode for transparently accessing remote files, as the documentation says. In my case, tramp pushes everything recursively to my server, and the website is published.

org mode allows the user to specify headers and footers for the generated pages, which is how I hook up the CSS bits to the articles. My configuration, in a dedicated .el file under ~/.emacs.d/, is straightforward:

;; custom header, footer, etc.
(defvar beastieboy-header
  "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"css/site.css\" type=\"text/css\"/>")
(defvar beastieboy-preamble
  "<div class=\"intro\">
     <p>FreeBSD, Lisp, Emacs, PostgreSQL & co.</p>
   <div class=\"nav\">
      <li><a href=\"index.html\">Home</a></li>
      <li><a href=\"about.html\">About</a></li>
      <li><a href=\"contact.html\">Contact</a></li>
(defvar beastieboy-footer
  "<div class=\"footer\">
      &copy; 2017 %a.<br/>
      Created %d.<br/>
      Last updated %C. <br/>
      Built with %c.<br/>
      <img src=\"images/powered-freebsd.gif\" alt=\"Powered by FreeBSD\"/>

In the above, I set the author's name to that found in the properties of the post (the #+AUTHOR: bit, called with %a here), the creation date for the post (taken from #+CREATED in the preamble, called with %C), the date and time the page was generated (called with %d), I indicate the version of emacs and org mode that I used to generate the page and I put a nice little blinking Beastie to show my love to the daemon.

The website itself is handled by nginx, as a set of static HTML files. Since there is no dynamic part or anything, the configuration is kept to a minimum: a single line in nginx.conf to point to the document root.

What's coming/missing

In my trying to keep things as simple as possible, I also left aside a few things that I arguably should look into: HTML5 support, a proper mobile CSS, code-colouring in the examples, an index generated automatically (today, I still copy and paste all the titles in the index page), a better index with a split between short news and longer articles, an integration with flyspell, the minor mode for spell-checking in emacs. I keep you posted.